How to save 80% of energy with the washing machine

In the simplest ideas, very often, they hide the best solutions. And the case of Save en el Plus, the device made in Italy, which reduces power consumption and detergent with washing machine and dishwasher. How? Taking advantage of the hot water produced by solar panels, boiler, heat pumps, fireplaces, etc…. even to do laundry.

It is well known that the washing machine is one of the most expensive appliances in terms of energy, especially in the high-temperature wash, since it is the task of the resistance of the washing machine and dishwasher to heat the water for use during the washings, and the consumption of energy is not certainly ridiculous!

But if you could use the hot water produced by other devices? Just to give you an idea if you used that produced by solar panels and fireplaces could be saved with each wash, up to 80% of electricity.

Most commonly, using the water of the normal gas boiler could reduce energy consumption by up to 60% (the gas is much less-expensive electrical energy). And that’s not all. By entering hot water (less hard) reduces the amount of detergents and greatly limits the formation of limestone for failure or reduced heat transfer suffered by the electrical resistance.

How to implement this? With a simple, a solution exists: Save Elen Plus makes this little device is easy to install and use. You can combine the demands of household savings (reduction of the bill and the consumption of detergents with fewer maintenance costs x washing machine and dishwasher) and cares for the environment (fewer pollutants discharged into waters and lower CO2 emissions in the atmosphere).

To use Save en el Plus just follow the instructions included in the kit: lights and set the water temperature (equal to the one selected in the washing machine), the device will load instantly hot water to the wash (1 once or 2 times if you split up the pre-wash) and always automatically will enter, then cold water to rinse water.

Installation – The installation is simple. Just connect the hose to the washing machine or dishwasher to Save El en Plus and the device into the hot and cold water supplied through pipes.

Save Elen Plus is compatible with all models of washing machines and dishwashers.

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